Scrap yards of Rostov-on-don

Scrap yards :

Total items: 65, Views: 77616

Sell BU spare parts for foreign cars.
Purchase of emergency cars.

Autograph, salvage yards
Rostov-on-don, 344064, str. Ilovayskaya, 31

tel. +7 (918) 524-02-02
Actual on 01.01.2018

Salvage yards, dismantle the car parts, mostly Ford, Opel, Volkswagen Polo and others. Machines take from England, we buy at auctions. Available engine, automatic transmission, manual transmission parts, body and chassis. Also work on order for BU , delivery from 3 days to 2-3 weeks. To order new parts, the original, not the original, shipping 5-7 days.

Our company is engaged in direct deliveries of spare parts and knockdown kits from Europe to Russia. All vehicles sold at European auctions, i.e. we do not buy salvage cars. Before analysis, each node of the vehicle is checked for serviceability and prepared a map test on each unit. We are confident in the quality of our parts, so all used items are covered by the warranty.

Spare parts used and new. In the presence and under the order. Redemption of broken cars

Our salvage yards PitStop offers a wide range of parts and spare parts as a modern car brands, and those already discontinued. During our successful work we have worked out for themselves the underlying principles of our work: be based on the wishes and demand of the consumer, to offer only the original spare parts that meet the standards of quality to provide a guarantee on our spare parts and have a flexible pricing policy. Today we have more than 20 outlets, which are located in the most accessible and convenient areas, and site with a convenient directory, which contains photos with detailed description of particular parts. Today, buy parts BU proper quality seek even the owners of expensive cars, and for owners models withdrawn from production — this is probably the best way.
In our catalogue of supplied spare parts of leading brands, cars which can be seen daily on our roads. So you can always find the required spare parts for German, French, Japanese, American car brands such as Audi, BMW, Citroen, Fiat, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Mazda, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Opel, Toyota, Volkswagen and many others. Read more:

Analysis Of Renault Nissan Honda
Rostov-on-don, str. Malinovskogo, 160/35, str. 3

tel. 8 (960) 461-91-46
Actual on 01.01.2018

You can buy spare parts for car brands: Renault; Nissan; Honda. If we suddenly can‘t find required used parts we are able to bring them under order!

Disassembling the chance
Rostov-on-don, per. 1 Mashinostroitelnyy

tel. 8 (951) 519-08-11
Actual on 01.01.2018

selling used parts. buy cars

Averasboro Limuzine
Rostov-on-don, Mashinostroitelnyy 1-y per., 3g

tel. +7 (951) 537-43-67
Actual on 01.01.2018
Salvage yards in Rostov-na-Donu
Rostov-on-don, mikrorayon Hovoe Poselenie, Podsolnechny

tel. +7 (863) 229-68-38
Actual on 01.01.2018
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