Learning foreign languages of Minsk

Learning foreign languages :

Total items: 108, Views: 92394
English language courses for children from 6 to 14 years old in Belarus at the Sky Kids English school (Sky Kids). English lessons for children with native speakers at Sky Kids English School.

Courses of foreign languages

Training center "JUKOLA-INFO" provides additional education. We offer training in six areas within which offers over twenty programs. With us You can be trained in the following areas: courses of foreign languages (English, German, Polish), accounting courses (school of accountants, basis of accounting, 1C:Accounting 8, accounting SP), professional courses (sales Manager, HR specialist, Secretary, salesperson), computer courses (the basics of working with PC, programming in 1C 8), design courses (interior design, computer graphics, 3D design), corporate training. The training process is specifically designed so You can combine learning with the main work. Doing a few hours a week, You get a maximum theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that are developed under the strict supervision of a team of professional educators.











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