Computer repair and services of Kiev

Computer repair and services :

Total items: 734, Views: 150416

Data recovery from USB drive, HDD in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities (flash drives, memory cards, solid stick, HDD, Android smartphones and tablets) is performed by experienced craftsmen, using proven equipment. Extensive experience (since 2009), the presence of specialized equipment and a fair price and ancient reputation ─ our credo.

Filling and restoration of cartridges, repair of office equipment, repair of computer technics, sale of spare parts and consumables

Diagnostics, repair, maintenance of computer equipment. Recovery computers of any complexity.

The computer wizard will find and clean computer viruses from your computer or laptop set up the operating system and components of the system unit for maximum performance, and after the failure of the art will be able to restore important data, reinstall Windows, install a good antivirus to protect the system and the necessary software, pros will configure the software to the needs and preferences of the customer. Our computer scientists are well-connected, adjust Wi-Fi router, the modem, create a local network, establish and improve the Internet connection, will do hardware diagnostics and test software components to hardware failure of the device, perform emergency repairs to any PC in Kiev. And low prices of computer services and high quality will please You.











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