Legal services of Almaty

Legal services :

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1. Protection of rights in administrative and criminal cases
2. Representation in court in civil cases, such as:
- Debt collection
Housing and land disputes
- Succession disputes
- The establishment of a legal fact
Labour and family disputes
And other controversial civil Affairs
Legal entities:
Comprehensive legal support of business:
- Legal services that is, services are systematically, regularly, within the stipulated in the contract validity period;
- Preparation of claims, complaints, objections, claims and other statements and appeals to the court;
- Examination of contracts (drafting of legal opinions);
- Drafting of agreements, protocols of disagreements;
- and the resolution of other legal issues that arise in the course of business activities.
Special offer for legal entities involved in public procurement - protection of the rights and representation of Your company on claims "about recognition by the unfair participant of public procurement"!
Service "Family lawyer".

Lawyer Komar V. M.
Almaty, str. Shevchenko, 77

tel. +7 (701) 324-74-92
Actual on 01.01.2018
Raimov F. K., attorney
Almaty, pr-t Seyfullina, 451

tel. 8 (701) 572-19-77
Actual on 01.01.2018

Protection of interests in criminal cases:protection at the stage of preliminary investigation, in the court of first instance, appellate and cassation proceedings , in the court of Supervisory instance , representation of interests and protection of the victim at any stage of the criminal process.

Categories of civil cases: property, land and housing disputes; family disputes(divorce, alimony, determination of order of communication with the child, establishment of paternity, deprivation of the genus. rights, division of property); disputes with insurance companies, disputes with banks; inheritance cases; compensation; labor disputes;
Administrative Affairs: assistance in case of accident; compensation.

Registration of legal entities from 20 000 tenge in Almaty. Those who will register the company with us, we will provide three legal advice for free.
Additionally, we can offer legal outsourcing - it support company on all legal issues.

All kinds of legal services. Housing disputes and real Estate. The Law Of Succession. Labor disputes. Legal support of the company. Arbitration. Tax disputes. Recovery of accounts payable. Re/registration, restructuring, merging legal entities. legal support of companies (outsourcing). Representation before the court. Legal consulting etc.

The Lawyer F. K. Raimov
Almaty, ave. Seyfullina, 451, kv. 20

tel. +7 (701) 572-19-77
Actual on 01.01.2018

legal assistance to physical and legal persons

NGO "Civil defense" is a non-profit organization contributing to the promotion, respect and protection of labour and other socio-economic rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.











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