BIM Radio 106,2 Norat

Views: 70

"BIM-radio" is a widescreen #Muzykalnaya station (foreign and Russian #popular #music) wholly own #broadcasting 24 hours a day.

Our listener: the most massive group of #men and #women 50/50, 25-45 years, with income average or above average. Social status: between middle managers to heads of companies, employees of sphere of services, state agencies .

"BIM-radio" is a unique regional #radio Tatarstan and the entire Volga region.
Creates 100% of its content. The entire 24-hour program is #Kazan version, not #relayed from Moscow or St. Petersburg. #BIM is the only one of the few regional radio, successfully competing with the best network #radio Russia.

The day of the "BIM-radio" listen to more than 166 thousand people (according to research by TNS-Russia).

#Broadcast "#Unradio" there are a lot of interactive discussion with students, including a large number #of contests and the winners as prizes get exclusive #gifts.
#music #listen #radio #BIM #NAT #Cinema #communication #106.2


Tatarstan Republic
Nurlat city

str. K. Marksa, 10

tel. +7 (937) 005-10-62
tel. +7 (84345) 9 28 88

Actual on 01.01.2018
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